
Osirix md review
Osirix md review

The advantage of OsiriX mobile is that one can view and process DICOM images. Screen captures of sagittal CT reformat of the thoracolumbar junction ( a) and an MIP reformat ( b) and three-dimensional volume rendering ( c) of a cerebral angiogram demonstrating an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery. 1), thus providing a commercial off the shelf (COTS) solution for viewing full-resolution DICOM images on mobile computing platforms. 1 – 3 More recently, the OsiriX foundation (Geneva, Ch), responsible for the open-source PACS software OsiriX, 4 has created a mobile version of their software for the iPhone and iPod touch (Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA Fig. There are published reports of mobile DICOM controllers, which can query PACS archives and retrieve JPEG or PNG images to mobile devices. These locations may be within the same facility in which the images are acquired or in remote hospitals and even private residences. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which store images in the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format, combined with high-speed network connectivity now allows for timely dissemination of full-resolution medical images to any location with a computer and network connectivity. Dissemination of medical images was once limited to the speed at which one could transport a film jacket, only allowing a single physician to view the images at a time.

osirix md review osirix md review

Medical imaging is critical for the diagnosis and management of many acute and chronic conditions.

Osirix md review